My name is Marie Bangura. I was born on the 4, April 1995. I am physically challenged. I can use wheelchair and crutches.
I gain my primary school education at the Freetown Cheshire Primary School, where I sat my National Primary School Examination [N.P.S.E]. I attended the Henry Fergusson Junior Secondary School and later sat my Basic Education Certificate Examination [B.E.C.E] with good grades and I further attended my Senior Secondary School at the Government Municipal Secondary School Kissy Dockyard. Presently I am in S.S.S four [4].
In my future plan I hope to become a journalist, because I want to be a role model among disabled people and especially disabled women.
I want to thank the Dorothy Springer Trust [DST] for giving me the opportunity to do this course. I hope to gain basic knowledge in Information Communication Technology [I.C.T] and hope it will benefit me in job market.