Financial Support
As we continue to make a difference to the lives of many disabled people in Sierra Leone, we are looking to raise £20,000 in the next twelve months. Part of our sponsorship of IT trainees will involve paying their fees, travelling costs and maintenance, including board and lodging or local accommodation. Additional resources are required to make improvements to the new DST Agency, which will offer IT recruitment and services.
You can donate in several ways: Download our donation form or send a cheque made payable to "The Dorothy Springer Trust" to the address in the Contact Us section. If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your gift can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you.
Fundraising Events
By organising a fundraising day or event you or your company or organisation can be a huge benefit to DST’s work. Not only is the fundraising itself important, such events are a great way of raising awareness about our work. Fundraising could be done through organising or participating in a sponsored event for DST or if sponsored events aren’t for you, why not hold a community event such as a lunch, a quiz night or an afternoon of tea, coffee and cake to raise funds.
At the moment DST is looking for volunteers in Europe to help with fundraising. In the future we will be looking for volunteers to come and help us in Sierra Leone. If you are interested in either of these opportunities please contact us via the address in the Contact Us section.