With the support and assistance of generous funders the Dorothy Springer Trust is able to invest in targeted projects that meet identified needs. For example:
• Development of a specific ICT course for women with disabilities, enabling participants to form a network for disabled women in Sierra Leone; supported by the British High Commission to Sierra Leone.
• Contributing to the ‘Educating Children with Disability Network’, which produced a policy for inclusive education for children; the project was sponsored by Sightsavers.
• Development of a toolkit for the delivery of training to persons with disabilities, which can be used by other organisations who wish to undertake such training; funded by Irish Aid.
• Provision of ICT training to visually impaired people, including the use of talking software, commissioned by Helen Kella International.
• Supporting the establishment of a Disabled Ambassadors Award, creating disabled role models; supported by Irish Aid.
• Provision of ICT training to hearing impaired people, from St. Joseph School for the Hearing Impaired; supported by Irish Aid.
As a recognised ICT training provider, DST has also been commissioned to deliver training projects for other organisations, which are not focussed on people with disabilities. For example, DST has provided training to staff of the British High Commission, and the Sierra Leone Ministry of Defence.
DST Project work in Freetown, Sierra Leone